Saturday, July 12, 2008

We have an eater!!!

I know you aren't suppose to start giving babies cereal until they are 4 months old, but my big man is HUNGRY!!! He recently started this thing where he will only sleep 2 hours at night and wants to eat. I was so tired of waking up every 2 hours, it was worse than when he was first born. So, I thought I would feed him cereal at night before he goes to bed. He LOVES it!!! When we first started feeding Gracie she just looked at the food and spit it out, he literally chews the food smacks it around. I guess we don't have a picky eater here, you can just look at him and tell he loves to eat. He is huge!!! I think Gracie was 5 months old when she was this size, lol.

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