Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Walk Through Bethlehem

Just a post to advertise Walk Through Bethlehem this year. It is this weekend December 19th - 21st. The weather should be great, not too cold or wet. It just doesn't feel like Christmas to our family until Bethlehem has come and gone. Visit Shirley Hills website for more information. This year Ash will be baby Jesus. Gracie did it when she was only 2 months old. Ash is bit older than she was, so we are only doing it for a few hours very late at night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! I wish we could have made it in time to see this. I've NEVER gone, isn't that awful? We were planning to go the last night, but both Rob and Hudson had Strep throat, so we had to postpone our trip home another day and missed it. Thanks for posting the pictures. Aiden made a beautiful Baby Jesus! We missed y'all last night. Hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas. Love y'all so much!