We had a very blessed Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with Johnny's parents. The Hayes' got Gracie a bike for Christmas. She still isn't sure what to think about it. She hasn't gotten the motion with her feet down yet. When I took her for her three year appointment in October Dr. Wade said that she should be able to petal a bike. At the time her legs were way too short to reach the petals of her tricycle that she had. Now that she is getting taller we are going to have to work on that skill. Right now all she wants to do is work on her bike with tools and pretend to fill it up with gas and wash it. She loves the basket on the front, but other than that she wants nothing to do with "riding" the bike.

That night we went to the Church's Christmas Eve Service. It was geared towards kids and Gracie did really well sitting in "Big Church." Since Bethlehem she has been begging to go to "Big Church." Afterwards we took Christmas pictures, but as you can tell only one child felt like being in the picture. Gracie refused and instead choose to waller on the ground. I was determined to have a picture of her on here, so here it is.

Gracie was very excited when we got home because she knew we had to prepare for Santa's visit. She helped get a plate ready for him. We even left a carrot for the reindeer. When she woke us up Christmas morning she whispered "Did Santa come?" It was so cute. When we went in the den the first thing she did was show Abbie what Santa had brought her and then she had to show brother his toys from Santa. Before she would even investigate her own she was amazed that Santa had eaten her cookies. Since she isn't old enough to write a letter to Santa we had her do a video to Santa. It was necessary for her to leave Santa something because she has refused to sit in his lap or even visit with Santa before Christmas. I'll have to say she is a well rounded girl. She wanted Santa to bring her tap shoes and cars.

Santa was kind enough to bring her a few "extra" big items. Santa somehow got a hold to my old kitchen set and redid the top of the stove and sink and gave it to Gracie. She loves playing the kitchen and has enjoyed cooking me all kids of foods. Fried pizza, boiled potato chips, and many other entrees. It means a lot to me that Santa was able to bring her this kitchen set. Santa brought it to my when I was three. It was hand made by my dad and something I want Gracie to be able to hand down to her daugther. Hopefully Johnny and I can refinish the wood a bit and have it really looking good soon.

Christmas morning we went to my parents house for lunch. Since Santa had brought Gracie a kitchen set she got tons of new pots and food for her kitchen. Aiden got a front end loader. He especially loves the hard hat that came with it.

We had a great Christmas this year! Thank you for the gifts that everyone got us. We really appreciate everything, but remember that Christ is the best gift that we can be given on Christmas! When we first started talking about Christmas Gracie was a bit confused that it was both Daddy's and Jesus' birthday, but now I think she understands.
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