I honestly think being a working mom is easier than staying home. Today is only my third day off for the summer and I already feel like pulling my hair out. Gracie is for the most part potty trained, or so I thought. She has gone the past month with maybe three accidents. The past three days she has had about three dozen "accidents." Yesterday I was in the bedroom folding clothes. Gracie was in her room playing or so I thought. She comes around the corner with a hand full of baby wipes. The wipes are covered by none other than poop. I stayed calm and asked her what happened, of course she responds with, "I pooped." She took me to her room and showed me where she pooped. There was a small spot on the floor I had to clean, but for the most part she cleaned up the mess herself. I guess I can't ask for much more, but it seems like when Ash is feed and just about to give me a few minutes of downtime I hear "I pooped, " or "I tee-teed," and of course Gracie is no where near the potty. I'm sure once we begin to establish a good schedule things will begin to calm down. I don't want to put Ash on a schedule until we get back from the beach and right now Gracie and I are having to work around him.

This is just another example of my day. I didn't notice this until Gracie was napping, but she decided to decorate one of our pool chairs with stamps. I guess she thought they were really cool looking stickers or maybe she wanted to mail the chair to a far away place.

Oh, good news for the beach! We traded in our Pilot for an Accord. The gas getting to the beach in our Pilot would have killed us, plus we lowered our payments. Brian got a us a great deal on the car we couldn't pass up. He better have gotten us a good deal since this is the third car we have bought from him in the four years we have been married. This is the fist 4 cylinder car I have ever had, but I absolutely love it. It is like being 16 again.

Gracie also has a new car. She inherited Cassidy's old battery powered Jeep. If you notice in the picture she is sitting in the middle. That was the best we could do. She is used to Cassidy driving her around, so she was confused why we wanted her to sit in the driver's seat. After pushing the gas petal a few times and not knowing what to do next, she quickly decided her old push around bike was much easier to deal with.
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