Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Humpty Dumpty

Ash has learned how to sit up!!! He is very good at it too. Gracie likes to come by and try to hold him and still will somehow stay fairly balanced. I am not sure why Gracie thinks she can hold him because he is not much smaller than she is. All I can say is that Ash eats good. I also want to brag on the fact that he is finally sleeping through the night. Today makes exactly one week since I have had to wake up with him (knock on wood). It feels good to get a good nights sleep, something I haven't done in over 5 months.

I thought I would add a picture of Gracie at 5 1/2 months to compare. She was so much smaller than he is. It is so much fun to watch two kids grow up the same way, but be so different. God's grace is amazing!

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