Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moving On Up!

Gracie is moving up in life. I am so proud of her. She started back school this week and has been moved up to the three year old class. Her school has a ton of new younger kids, so they had to move a couple of the two year olds to the three year old room before their birthdays. Since she is potty trained, she was the first to go!!! I am used to her being the last to go since has always been smaller than the others, but she is growing up and is making her moma proud. Her school had orientation Thursday night and they told us of all the neat things they will be doing this year. She will be memorizing scripture once a week, going on field trips, and being assessed on her skills once a month. I can't wait to see Gracie grow this year. She learned so much from her teachers last year, that I can't wait to see what she can learn this year. I am so proud of my big girl!!!

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